
Saving money on the ordinary to enjoy the Extraordinary!

Monday, June 27, 2011

CVS Success Story

Retail Value: $24.77
Total Paid: $3.48

(2)Schick Hydro 5 Razors: $8.99 each (sale price with CVS card)
*CVS Sale is Buy One Get One Free
-(2)$4.00 off coupons from newspapers
New Price: $0.99 for 2

Band-Aids: $2.99 (sale price with CVS card)
*CVS Sale is $1.00 ECB when you purchase this product
-$0.50 coupon from newspaper
New Price: $2.49

Total Paid: $3.48 + taxes = $3.52 plus $1.00 ECB that I can use on my next purchase

Total Savings: $21.29 or 86%

Walgreens Success Story

I'm so excited about this one! Who doesn't love cheap Excedrin and Twizzlers?!?!

Excedrin (125 ct.): $8.99
-$1.50 coupon from newspaper
Excedrin (100 ct.): $8.99
-$1.50 coupon from newspaper
(2)Twizzlers (16 oz.): $1.50 each
-(2)$0.50 coupons from newspaper

*Walgreens was running the following sales:
Spend $15 or more on Excedrin products, receive $7.00 Register Rewards
Buy 2 packages of Twizzlers, receive $1.00 Register Rewards

Retail Value: $20.98
Price After Coupons: $16.98
-$5.00 Register Rewards from last week's shopping trip
New Price: $11.98 + $8.00 Register Rewards = Net Price: $3.98

Total Savings: $17.00 or 81%

I'm Baaaack!

I'm not exactly sure where the last 32 days went, but I'm going to blame the following holidays for my blogging unproductiveness: Memorial Day, National Doughnut Day, Donald Duck Day, Flag Day, and Father's Day. Yes, I was so busy preparing for and celebrating each of those holidays that I couldn't find time to blog (that's my story and I'm sticking to it!) :)

But I'm back now. So let the fun begin (again)...